To reduce the power consumption of at least one-quarter of the absolute reality. Turn off the lights, wash the Windows, do not overload the washing machine to replace a conventional incandescent light bulb,... the Calculations have shown, that it is truly useful.

Don't waste the light of the waste
- Turn off the lights, going from room to room. The installation of thermal sensors that will turn off the lights to let you know.
- The use of local lighting: lighting, floor lamps, and wall lamps. For example, every time you do, it will turn to be the main source of light in the room, it would be better to adjust the illumination of the led strips.
- Don't forget that the cleanliness of the ensuring of the savings. Dirty Windows and dusty diffusers to reduce the light level in the room 35%.
- During the repair, they believe that light-colored walls and furniture will reflect up to 80 per cent of the light and the dark is only around 12%.
- Replace incandescent bulbs with energy-saving leds. Replacing just one bulb will save about 1 000 per year.
The proper use of electrical appliances
- In the absence of a two-tariff electrical energy meter, turn off all non-essential electrical appliances at night and the charger after a full charge of the equipment.
- The fridge should be regularly defrosted, if there is no special system, No Frost. Make sure that the machine is standing far away from the heating device, and to provide natural ventilation to the rear of the wall. Put only cold dishes!
- The monitoring of the performance of the burners, the electric plate and put them in just the right-size pan with a flat bottom.
- Cover pots and pans with lids to reduce heat loss by nearly three times.
- You try to do too much washing of the machine (stretching increases the power consumption by up to 10%), and the use of the average temperature. Wash at 30 degrees, used 35% less energy than washing at 40 degrees.
- Use an electric kettle instead of the electric furnaces and ovens for the heating of the water. It will be a lot more economical. Boil only the amount of fluid that is required at this time.
- The regular cleaning of fans and air-conditioning filters.
- The things that require to the low temperature and iron the garment after you have switched off the iron.
- Do not leave the equipment, including microwave ovens, televisions, computers, scanners, printers, modems, or in standby mode. This will allow you to save more than 200 kWh in a year.
- Use an electrical outlet with a timer.

The purchase of energy-efficient appliances
- All of the electrical system are indicated by Latin letters from A to G to Select a technology with a low energy grade, with an A and a B.
- The purchase of the equipment, using the latest energy-saving technologies. For example, it is becoming more and more popular induction cooktop that heats only the bottom of the container, and does not consume power needlessly. The efficiency of these panels up to 95%!
Install two-tariff meter

The two-tariff meter, allows you to save into the night. Such a device, which can be useful for those who are able to use energy-intensive appliances: dishwasher, washing-machine, breadmaker — from 23.00 to 7.00. On average the game pays for itself in a year or so.
Don't waste the heat in.
- Instead of a traditional heater is the use of air-conditioning set to heating mode. To the maximum extent permitted by the manufacturer, of course. A lot of the air-conditioning can not be used at negative temperatures.
- Infrared heating is more economical than the other by 30-80%.
- If the house has electric batteries, and try to keep them clean, so that dust does not absorb the heat, and you will not be able to increase the temperature.
- With the use of the water heater, reducing the hot water temperature.
- Replace water heater to tankless. So you don't waste electrical energy, at a constant temperature of the water.
- In the heat of the water only when you need it. Disconnect the boiler from the mains supply whenever you leave the house during the night.
- Every three months, clean the water heater out of range, which increases the energy consumption by around 15-20%.
- Unplug the unit from the ac outlet and turning off the water supply.
- To completely drain the water.
- Remove the top cover of the boiler, gently disconnect the wires and remove the thermostat.
- Loosen the wheel nuts have a flange. Push the flange up, turn and pull out.
- Now you can clean the heating element with a wire brush. To get rid of the plaque and it will help you to acetic acid and hot water (1 : 5). Just put the heater on for 30 minutes, and to ensure that the sealing rubber is in contact with the acid.